Exploring Mind and Its Essence
Exploring Mind and Its Essence
Weekend Retreat with Susan Browne and Rob Van Willegen
Friday 31 January, 7.30pm to Monday 3 February, 1pm
In meditation, we often –Read more–
Weekend Retreat with Susan Browne and Rob Van Willegen
Friday 31 January, 7.30pm to Monday 3 February, 1pm
In meditation, we often –Read more–
5 Week Online Meditation Course
with Susan Browne & Rob van Willegen
Tuesdays 7pm to 8.30pm, February 4 to Mar 4 (Irish Time) –Read more–
Exploring Buddhist Wisdom in Action (Six Paramitas)
with Susan Browne, Rob Van Willegen and Anne Sheehan
Friday 2 May, 7:30pm to Monday 5 May, 1pm
–Read more–
Stages of the Spiritual Path
with Susan Browne & Anne Sheehan
Friday 5 September, 7.30pm to Sunday 7 September, 1pm
You may have attended a meditation course or retreat –Read more–